Olesya Surkova: Exhibition in New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (RU)

The New Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow, Russia) presents the most completed permanent exhibition of the art of the 20th century in all its diversity: surrealism, avant-garde, socialistic realism and art of the “austere style” and “underground” and some new art trends.

Here are held not only large-scale retrospectives of great Russian artists, but also showed experimental exhibitions of new authors. In September-October 2020, the exhibition ‘NEW REALITY‘ is held here.

This interesting exhibition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of artists’ organisation UNOVIS (Creators of the New Art or in cyrillic: УНОВИСУчредители НОВого ИСкусства) what was established by famous russian artist Kazimir Malevitch in 1921. Group UNOVIS was a society that positioned itself as a research laboratory focused on studying the development of art and artistic form.

The exhibition ‘NEW REALITY‘ feature paintings by contemporary Russian artists. There also are presented four paintings by Olesya Surkova, known in modern pictorial art as “The Knight of the Brush in Surrealism”.


Olesya Surkova‘s attractive and original art-works are full of philosophy and often make viewers stay in front of the paintings for a long time to feel them inly.

Exhibition dates:
September 22 — October 5, 2020.

Working hours:
Mon: Closed
Tue, Wed, Sun: 10:00 — 18:00
Thu, Fri, Sat: 10:00 — 21:00

10 Krymsky Val, Moscow, RUSSIA
[visit web-site]

Adults: RUB 300,-
Children under 18 y.o.: Free